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quality control in your brewery



Ciao! Nice to meet you!

We are the DNAPhone Team, we develop innovative technology for beer quality control. 

If you are here, it means you have a good friend that is our customer, and he wants to share his experience with you because he is happy with our solution!

This is our page dedicated to special guests, by filling in the form, you’ll be immediately part of our exclusive Smart community.







Smart Analysis is a full spectrophotometer that is immediately ready to use and does not require any preparation, calibration, and periodic maintenance.
A simple and intuitive APP drives the device, supporting the user during the whole analysis, guiding him through the few steps required.
The analysis procedure is the simplest on the market; it uses ready-to-use reagent kits that require no preparation.

What Our Smart & Happy Clients Say About Us

So far we are very happy with the system. Perfect for small to medium breweries.

Michiel Jacobs - Jacobs BV Brewery - Founder (Belgium)

The level of craft beer is growing rapidly. Smart Analysis is designed specifically for small and medium-sized craft breweries, to control all the key chemical parameters and implement robust QC.

Instituto de la Cerveza Artesana, Brewing Training Center, Barcelona (Spain)

When making chemical analyses we learn more about our brewing process and we are able to optimise the process to get a better quality. With Smart Analysis we can analyse many different parameters in a very easy way.

Christian Ek - Brekeriet Brewery Head Brewer (Sweden)

JOIN our community

You will be part of a group of beer professionals dedicated to improving the quality control of beer. 

You will receive a monthly newsletter with technical and specialised articles on beer quality control in the brewery, and our Team will provide you with videos and supporting material.

You’ll also get much more: insights, gadgets, challenges, interviews and exclusive invitations to webinars.

work smarter not harder